Comfortable and Beautiful Corner Unit Town Home with breath taking views to the park. This Townhouse Features - 3 Bdrms - 3 full baths. A lot of windows that grant access to nature lights, with 9'+ ceilings, hardwood floors and w/w carpet. The open kitchen/dining area with center Island Brkfst Bar & Recessed Lighting private rear deck, LL rec room offers full bath & rear access to garage.
Middle River, MD is an unincorporated community located in Baltimore County. Middle River offers a peaceful suburban atmosphere with plenty of outdoor activities, shopping, restaurants and entertainment venues. Large city - East-central Maryland along Chesapeake Bay, 40 miles northeast of Washington, D.C.. The median property value in Middle River, MD was $208,600 in 2021, which is 0.852 times smaller than the national average of $244,900. Between 2020 and 2021 the median property value increased from $197,700 to $208,600, a 5.51% increase. The homeownership rate in Middle River, MD is 61.7%, which is approximately the same as the national average of 64.6%. People in Middle River, MD have an average commute time of 28.9 minutes, and they drove alone to work. Car ownership in Middle River, MD is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household. Median household income in Middle River, MD is $67,306. In 2021, the place with the highest median household income in Middle River, MD was Census Tract 4514.01 with a value of $76,641, followed by Census Tract 4515 and Census Tract 4516, with respective values of $71,733 and $70,536.
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